#1 Marketing Platform® for Veterinarians

Veterinarian Local Service Ads

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Get Google Guaranteed with Marketing 360 and only pay for qualified veterinarian leads interested in working with your veterinarian business — stop competing against multiple veterinarians for the same customers.

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We'll set up your ads, and you'll start getting more leads!

*Must be an accepted business type and pass all applicable background checks. Verification fees apply.

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Why wait? Gain trust, get more bookings and grow your business with the Google Guarantee and Google Local Services Ads. Learn more about our plans and pricing and start your Google Guarantee verification today.

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Keep track of your responsiveness ratings

Track your lead responsiveness rating to improve your ad performance and get more customers. Plus, you can request and track customer reviews and ratings to improve your reputation, attract more leads and fuel business growth.


Manage your Veterinarian leads from Marketing 360

Manage your Local Services Ads leads, right from Marketing 360. Your leads will sync directly with your CRM Leads Inbox so you can quickly respond to leads, assign your team, nurture leads and more.


Why veterinarians need multi-channel advertising

Veterinarian marketing has changed a lot over the years. It's no longer enough to be listed in the Yellow Pages, run an ad in the local newspaper or rely solely on word of mouth. In today's digital world, there are multiple channels veterinarians can and should use to reach their target audience.

Smart veterinarian marketing is about building a visible presence wherever prospective leads and customers in your area are looking. Local Services Ads and multi-channel advertising can help you do just that.

Connect with potential customers at every stage of the marketing funnel, convert leads and capture market share with multi-channel advertising for your veterinarian business.

We can help you master multi-channel advertising

7 benefits of multi-channel advertising for veterinarians

1. Drive high-quality leads

Not all veterinarian leads are made equal. The last thing you want is to waste your time chasing low-quality leads that will never result in an appointment or procedure. However, multi-channel advertising allows you to target your ideal customer, which leads to a higher quality of leads for your clinic.

2. Increase your visibility

With so many veterinarians competing for clients and patients, it’s important to make sure your clinic is visible to potential clients. Multi-channel advertising allows you to reach your target audience through multiple channels, increasing the chances that they’ll see your clinic and consider scheduling an appointment.

3. Get found

Before someone can schedule an appointment with your vet clinic, they need to know you exist. Multi-channel advertising helps potential clients find your animal hospital when they’re searching for veterinary care in your area, helping you increase your visibility and brand awareness on popular channels.

4. Capture market share

Most modern vet clinics face a lot of competition. In order to grow your veterinary practice, you need to capture market share from your competitors. Multi-channel advertising allows you to reach potential clients who may not be aware of your clinic, giving you a chance to convert them into loyal patients.

5. Target the right audience

Not everyone wants or needs your veterinary services. One of the benefits of multi-channel advertising is that you can target your ideal client. By targeting your advertising to reach people who are most likely to use your services, you can increase the chances of driving high-quality leads to your clinic.

6. Stay top of mind

With so many options for veterinary care, you need to make sure your clinic stays top of mind for potential clients. Multi-channel advertising allows you to reach your target audience multiple times, increasing the chances that they’ll think of your clinic before any others when they need veterinary services.

7. Monitor and maximize your performance

Multi-channel advertising gives you the ability to track your results and see which channels are performing the best. This data allows you to adjust your veterinarian advertising strategy to focus on the channels that are driving the most high-quality leads, helping you get the most out of your advertising budget.


The best digital advertising campaigns for veterinarians

Local advertising

Local visibility is critical for modern veterinary clinics. Google Local Services Ads (LSA) are a great way to make sure your clinic shows up when potential clients in your area are searching for veterinary care. LSAs allow you to pay per lead, so you only pay when someone contacts your clinic for an appointment.

Search and maps advertising

Search and maps ads on Google and other search engines are another great way to increase your visibility in your local market. These ads allow you to target potential clients who are searching for veterinary care in your area, increasing the chances they’ll see your clinic and schedule an appointment.


Retargeting is a powerful way to reach potential clients who have already shown an interest in your veterinary services. By placing a retargeting pixel on your website, you can remarket to people who have visited your site but haven’t scheduled an appointment. This allows you to keep your clinic top of mind and increase the chances of driving veterinarian leads.

Social media advertising

Social media advertising across popular platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, is a great way to reach potential clients where they’re already spending time online. By placing ads on popular social media platforms, you can increase your visibility and brand awareness, driving more high-quality leads to your veterinary clinic.

Display advertising

Display advertising allows you to reach potential clients with relevant ads on popular websites and apps. This type of advertising can be highly effective, since it allows you to target potential clients based on their interests and web browsing behavior, and it can be a powerful lead-generation tool for veterinarians.

Digital TV advertising

Digital TV — or OTT (over-the-top) — advertising is a great way to reach potential clients who are watching their favorite shows. This type of advertising allows you to place your ads on popular TV streaming apps, and you can target your ads to reach people based on their interests, demographics, and more.

Digital radio advertising

Digital radio is another wonderful way to reach potential clients with your advertising. This type of advertising allows you to place your ads on popular digital radio streaming services. And with the ability to target the right leads, you can make sure your advertising is reaching the people who are most likely to use your services.

Digital billboards

Digital billboards are an excellent way to increase your vet clinic's visibility in your community. These billboards allow you to get in front of potential clients who are driving or walking by, and they can be a great way to generate awareness and recognition for your animal clinic in your local market.


Multi-channel advertising tips for veterinarians

Define your audience

The first step in any effective veterinarian advertising campaign is to define your target audience. By understanding who your ideal client is, you can make sure your advertising is reaching the right people. It can also inform which advertising channels, strategies and messages you choose to grow your business.

Set your goals

Before you launch any multi-channel advertising campaign, it’s important to set your goals. What are you hoping to achieve with your advertising? Are you looking to increase brand awareness, generate more leads or convert more clients? By setting clear goals, you can measure the success of your campaigns and make sure you’re getting a positive ROI.

Use targeting to get in front of the right people

Get more out of your veterinarian advertising investment by targeting your ads to reach a specific audience. This can be a great way to make sure your ads are reaching the right veterinarian leads. By targeting your ads, you can increase the chances of driving high-quality leads to your clinic who are ready to convert.

Budget for success

As with any veterinarian marketing campaign, your advertising budget will play a big role in your success. Make sure you allocate enough of your budget to your multi-channel advertising efforts to make a significant impact. Keep in mind, you may need to adjust your budget as you test and optimize your campaign.

Maximize your visibility across the most popular channels

To get the most out of your multi-channel advertising campaign, make sure you’re maximizing your visibility across the most popular channels. This means being active on multiple channels and using each channel to its full potential. By doing this, you can make sure your target audience is seeing your ads.

Build exact-match landing pages

For a successful multi-channel advertising campaign, you need to make sure your landing pages are optimized for conversion. This means having specific landing pages that match the messaging and offer in your ads. By doing this, you can increase the chances of converting veterinarian leads into clients.

Bid on branded keywords

It's important that you’re bidding on branded keywords to make sure your ads are appearing when potential clients are searching for your clinic by name. The last thing you want is for your competitors’ ads to show up when someone is searching for your business. By bidding on your branded keywords, you can make sure your ads are always on top.

Measure your results

The only way to know if your multi-channel advertising campaign is successful is to measure your results. By tracking your metrics, you can see which channels are performing the best and adjust your strategy accordingly. Monitor your results on a regular basis to make sure you’re getting a positive return on your investment.

Work with a dedicated Ad Specialist

Get the most out of your multi-channel advertising campaign by working with a dedicated Ad Specialist from Marketing 360®. We can help you create targeted ad campaigns that reach your ideal client, and we'll work with you to track and optimize your results. This will free up your time so you can focus on running your veterinary clinic.

Let us help you maximize your success with powerful campaigns

Multi-channel advertising FAQs for veterinarians

What is multi-channel advertising?

Multi-channel advertising is a marketing strategy that uses multiple channels to reach potential veterinarian leads and clients. This type of advertising allows you to reach your target audience on popular channels, like Facebook, Google, Instagram, YouTube and beyond , increasing your visibility and brand awareness.

What are the best advertising channels for veterinarians?

Every veterinary clinic is different, which means that the best advertising channels for your business may not be the same as the best channels for another clinic. However, some of the most popular advertising channels for veterinarians include Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.

How much should you budget for multi-channel advertising?

How much you should budget for your multi-channel advertising will depend on your advertising goals. If you’re looking to generate brand awareness, you may need to allocate a larger budget than if you’re focused on generating leads or converting clients. Work with a dedicated Ad Specialist to create a budget that fits your needs.

How do you know if multi-channel advertising is working for your veterinary clinic?

The only way to know if your multi-channel advertising campaign is working is to measure your results. By tracking your metrics, you can see which channels are performing the best and adjust your strategy accordingly. Monitor your results on a regular basis to make sure you’re getting a positive return on your investment.

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